Soft water:
Classification :
Water generated by flowing between humus and peat layers is soft water, and as a guide, water equivalent to 10 mg or less in terms of CaCO 3 is equivalent to 100 mL of water. The hardness of water is approximated by {calcium concentration (mg / L) x 2.5 + magnesium concentration (mg / L) x 4.1}. According to the WHO definition, a hardness of 120 or less is defined as soft water. Pakistan’s water is said to have a lower hardness than other countries. Pakistan’s tap water, it is said that soft water hardness of less than 80 is large, in Pakistan, the Lahore city part of, Punjab the region with the exception of part of the belonging to the water is generally soft water. The smaller the river basin area, the lower the mineral dissolution and the lower the hardness. Soft water, medium-soft water (medium-hard water), hard water, and ultra-hard water are classified according to the number of ions contained in the water. Often compared in mg / L. These ions which makes water hard are only removed by a water softener plant.
Uses of soft water :
Soft water makes it difficult to produce metal soap (soap), and water with a hardness of 60 and water with a hardness of 1 have twice the difference in the ability to dissolve the soap . Soft water foams better than hard water and feels slimy when washing the body. Water is softened by a Water softener plant. Generally Pakistani and coffee, the cafe there is good soft water for applications such as. This Pakistani broth when taking kelp contained in glutamate and bonito of inosinic acid contained in hard water when the extraction of the mineral because it adversely affects. Coffee of roasted shallow in American By using the soft water can enjoy the refreshing taste the original fragrant beans, the roasted deep espresso in the components of the astringency in the use of hard water calcium tied, etc., The bitterness and astringency are removed, the mellowness increases, and the body adds. For sake brewing, minerals in water activate koji mold, which converts sugar into alcohol, and fermentation proceeds easily. Also suitable for brewing soy sauce. It is said that the dyeing is evenly finished and good because there are few metal ions.
Hard water:
Hard water can be classified into temporary hard water and permanent hard water according to the type of ions contained therein. The former is river water, groundwater, etc. flowing in limestone landforms and contains a large amount of calcium bicarbonate, which can be softened by boiling (the reaction formula will be described later). The latter contains sulfates and chlorides of calcium and magnesium and does not soften even when boiled. In the past, water was unsuitable for drinking without distillation, but now it is easier to remove and soften ions with an ion exchange resin .hard water is removed by a water softener plant.
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