step 1: are there any harmful substances in your water?
There are some ingredients that should not be found in your tap water as they can pose a real health risk. In Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, the tap water of the municipal utilities is checked very strongly, so it is generally not necessary to check for pollutants so there water softener plants are required. If you want to drink water from other sources or other countries, or if you want to make sure, for example, that tap water is suitable for babies, you should definitely inform yourself or test whether the following substances are present in the water and use alternatives as drinking water:
Harmful chemicals and contaminants
metal deposits
other heavy metals
Step 2: what is the hardness of the water?
The hardness of water is not related to healthy and unhealthy water. However, hard chalky water is cloudy and is generally associated with poor taste. On the other hand, clear and soft water can change your life positively with a positive and fresh taste. Hard water is also the reason why many people avoid tap water as a source of drinking and prefer to use bottled water. Hard tap water can be softened with water softeners, so that tap water can also be made into clear and refreshing drinking water.
Step 3: what minerals in the water?
Mineral pearls are an important and healthy component of tap water. The following minerals can have a positive influence on taste and composition, but should not occur in excess:
Step 4: Enjoy your soft and tasty drinking water!
Last but not least, the pleasure of drinking your soft and tasty water remains!
Why should you soften your water?
can make sense for various reasons:
Protects household appliances such as kettles or washing machines
Can reduce regular expenses for broken water electrical devices in the long term
Even save heating costs by reducing lime deposits in boilers
Makes chalky drinking water taste better
In a region with very calcareous and hard water, a water softening system can significantly improve the lifespan of your various household appliances in the long term. It is an investment that can sometimes even save money! If the pipes of a washing machine are severely affected by hard water, water treatment can mean an improved lifespan of one year, two years, or even more. There are of course a lot of factors here, how often the devices are used etc. In the long term, a water softening layer can not only lead to better drinking water, but also to lower costs for electrical devices!
Does the right drinking water play a role in your health?
Everyone knows limescale deposits. These are caused by hard water with too many dissolved salts in the water. Very soft water can lead to surface corrosion and pitting due to the conductivity of metallic pipes. Of course, the effects are not that bad for people, the best mineral composition is a soft, but not too soft, water. This is generally perceived as the best tasting drinking water. Therefore the topic of water softening is interesting for taste and health.
Healthy light blue water from a grotto
Light blue water from a grotto
What is water hardness and water softening?
Water hardness indicates the proportion of dissolved salts by calcium and magnesium in the water. A high proportion of these salts means that water is calcareous and also has a calcareous taste. Water with soft hardness is therefore generally regarded as better and tastier tap water, but if the degree of hardness is too low, soft water can lead to corrosion on the pipe.
When does it make sense to soften water?
Water softening makes sense especially in calcareous areas.
Why is a water softening system useful?
Because it contributes to increasing your quality of life and maintaining the value of your home. Get to know the pleasantly gentle side of the water. water softening systems reduce the hardness of raw water by reliably reducing undesirable substances such as magnesium and calcium, i.e. lime. This protects your pipes, technical systems and household appliances from harmful deposits. You save money and energy. And you enjoy more quality of life. Because water filtered through softening systems offers a pleasant feeling on the skin. Cleaning the kitchen and bathroom is also easier.
The best thing is: you can always rely on soft, high quality water. The innovative softening engineers have designed individual systems, double systems and even more efficient softening solutions for every water hardness and water consumption - whether for single or multi-family houses, hotels, trade or industry.
Experience the benefits of soft water.
With a water softening system in the house you enrich your whole family with more comfort in the wellness area of your house and economic advantages. The softening system significantly reduces the amount of limestone (calcium carbonate) - to less than 1.5 mmol per liter. As a result, this means that less energy has to be applied to heat drinking water and you can save costs as a result. The economic efficiency is also shown by the easier cleaning of the fittings and the protection of the pipes, which can be affected by aggressive limescale deposits. Further advantages of a soft water system:
More enjoyment with tea and coffee
Preserve the value of your property
Save time and money
Protect the environment and save resources
Protection for your home appliances
Pleasant laundry
Reduce washing powder costs by up to 50%
Soft skin and hair
What is hard water?
Hard water contains many calcium and magnesium ions, which can calcify pipes and household appliances. The energy requirement increases significantly: 1 mm of lime covering corresponds to 10% more energy expenditure!
The water hardness is divided into three areas, which are defined by the content of calcium carbonate per liter. You can either find out what water hardness your drinking water has with a water test device for total hardness, or you can find out from your water supplier. If the test procedure confirms a clearly calcareous water in the middle area, a water decalcifier is definitely recommended.
This is how natural lime gets into the water.
If the rainwater seeps into the ground, it flows through several layers of calcareous rock. This enriches the rainwater with minerals (= alkaline earth), e.g. B. the hardness calcium and magnesium, and ends up in our drinking water. Depending on where the water comes from, it may contain more or less lime.
Are important minerals and trace elements lost during water softening?
When “softening” the minerals calcium and magnesium are reduced to a minimum. However, this is not relevant since we absorb the minerals again through food. Imagine: You can cover your daily calcium requirements either with 20 liters of drinking water or with just one cup of yoghurt!
Soft water. Same taste.
When installing a water softening system, the limit of 200 mg / l sodium prescribed by the TrinkwV (Drinking Water Ordinance) must be obtained, so the water still tastes the same and not salty, as is assumed due to the use of regeneration salt.
Even during regeneration, the water can be used as usual and does not taste any different than usual.
Serious effects of chalky water in the home.
Calcareous water manifests itself through slight to strong, white incrustations on taps, bath tub, shower enclosure or wash basin. These limescale deposits can usually only be removed with aggressive cleaners, which in the worst case can even attack the material of the fittings.